Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Country Assessment of China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Country Assessment of China - Research Paper Example Because China culture is largely based on Confucianism, Chinese people show great respect for their elders (Kwintessential). Chinese are more of a collectivist society; as such, an individual would sacrifice his or her needs for the group’s objective. Face is very important in Chinese society because no one likes to embarrass their superiors. Also, most communication in China is done through non-verbal communication (Kwintessential). Body language is just as important as what is spoken. Any overaggressive behavior is likely to be frowned upon as losing control is to lose face. Because Confucian philosophy believes that all relationships are not equal, there are differences in the way the employers and employees should be treated (WorldBusinessCulture). Seniority is very important when it comes to Chinese business management practices; managers demand respect from their employees in the same way that an old person would from a young person. Business is China is very formal; managers inform their subordinates what task they should be doing, and there are never any complaints from the employees. A manager is like a father figure to his employees (WorldBusinessCulture). The manager expects loyalty and commitment, and in return he will offer support for his employees. Because the Chinese government is Communist, it takes a hard line when it comes to business. This has eased up in recent years as the government has opened up the country to foreign investors. The Chinese economy could now be thought of as capitalist, even though the government is still Communist. The managers of most large Chinese domestic firms are linked in some way to the ruling Communist Party, and the government often places pressure on businesses to go a certain way (WorldBusinessCulture). Besides this, the United States of America has long held the view that the Chinese government manipulates its
Monday, October 28, 2019
Women of Jazz Essay Example for Free
Women of Jazz Essay I interviewed a girl that lives close to me. She explained her high school story to me, involving friends, family, peers, bullies, and boys. The interview was done as if it were only 2 people talking because I didn’t want her to feel any pressure. She explained what it was like going through puberty by herself, without the help of anyone. How the first two years of high school were and how she disliked it. How after she came back from her summer after sophomore year, she had no problems with anyone and explained how she had a boyfriend for a while. The girl I interviewed relates to plenty of topics that were discussed in the class like, self-esteem, peers, popularity, groups, bullies, family and sexuality. I interviewed an adolescent that lived very close to me. She is a senior in High School, getting ready for Prom and all the fun senior privileges she is able to do. She is a regular girl going through a regular life in High School. She does well in school, never got in trouble. The way I interviewed her, was not based on a question and answer type of an interview. I listened to what she had to tell me about her life. She talked about friends, family, school, and boys. She started off telling me about how she dealt with going through puberty; she said that she went through it alone. When she first received her period, she figured out everything herself without having her mom’s or doctor’s help. This shows a sense of autonomy and how she expressed a sense of independence where she figured out what was going on with her body by using sources like the internet. She then mentioned her struggled with her weight. She told me that she wanted to be skinny like all of the other girls at school, and the women she saw in magazines and T. V. shows. She tried to starve herself to get skinny and ended up in the hospital. She then decided to lose weight more efficiently by eating healthy and working out. She made social comparisons about herself to the other girls in her high school and the women she idolized in magazines and T. V. shows. She then talked about the beginning of high school and how she only had a very few handful of friends, mostly tended to be girls. This is due to â€Å"The Sex Cleavage†; girls hang out with girls and boys, with boys (Feldman, 2008). But as adolescents get older, hormones kick in and they being to find the opposite sex attractive and want to be friends with the opposite sex. She went on talking about the popular kids mostly guys that would make fun of her because she was not part of their clique or not cool enough to be their friends. As an adolescent, friends are a very important to have. But she had to deal with male that were not trying to be her friend, but were bullies towards her which lowered her self-esteem even more (Feldman, 2008). They bullied her because she was not popular; this type of an adolescent is referred to as â€Å"rejected adolescent†(Feldman, 2008). A rejected adolescent is someone that has very few friends, doesn’t really engage in social activities and more likely to feel lonely. Bullying is a common experience for many children and adolescents. Surveys indicate that as many as half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years, and at least 10% are bullied on a regular basis (Feldman, 2008). She told me that when she went back to school for her junior year, no body made fun of her. She explained it as if she had â€Å"blossomed†and that’s why no one made fun of her. She seemed please when she told me. This type of an adolescent if known to be a â€Å"popular adolescent†, these adolescence have more friends, are liked by most people and don’t feel lonely at all due to the fact they have a lot of friends (Feldman, 2008). She hadn’t had a problem until her beginning of senior year. There were two rumors that were spread around the high school about her. These two rumors did not affect her she stated while telling the event. Her new popularity status gave her the confidence boost to not let the rumors affect her and not bring her down. She discovered her identity, and embraced it. She then on went about her family. She grew up in a strict family home were her parents were not born in America, but from Poland like myself. She said that they were very strict with what she could and could not do. She had a strict curfew also, she was basically locked up and was not allowed to do things her friends could do. They were using an Authoritarian parenting style (Feldman, 2008). Their relationship with a child is where the parent’s word is law. Authoritarian parents do not engage in discussions with their teen and family rules and standards are not debated. But when she turned 18 they gave her more freedom, she was allowed to stay out later, go to parties, and do pretty much what her friends did. This type of parenting style is known as â€Å"Authoritative†, were the parents and somewhat strict, but let the adolescent have a sense of independence (Feldman, 2008). Authoritative parents engage in discussions and debates with their adolescent, although ultimate responsibility reside with the parent (Kroger, 2004). Research demonstrates that adolescents of authoritative parents learn how to negotiate and engage in discussions. They understand that their opinions are valued. As a result, they are more likely to be socially competent, responsible, and autonomous Authoritarian parents believe the adolescent should accept, without question, the rules and practices that they establish (Kroger, 2004). Research reveals that adolescents of authoritarian parents learn that following parental rules and listening to strict discipline is valued over independent behavior. As a result, adolescents may become rebellious or dependent. The adolescence which becomes rebellious might display aggressive behaviors. Adolescents who are more submissive tend to remain dependent on their parents (Kroger, 2004). She talked about her friends and how she didn’t have any problems with them. She stayed friends with the people that had the same interests as her and hadn’t changed her friends throughout high school. She was part of her own crowd that did not do any illegal or violent things to themselves or other people. She went on talking about how other kids were acting, doing drugs, and having sex, drinking alcohol, doing everything they can just to make them seem like their cool doing these â€Å"adult†things. Adolescence always wants to try to be like their peers . During adolescence, they are looking for ways to separate from their families and begin to define themselves as individuals. To define their individualism, they turn to friends for guidance and direction (Kroger, 2004). They tend to mimic their peer’s behaviors and take up the same attitudes. Conforming to social norms helps them redefine themselves while earning them acceptance and approval. For adolescence, fitting in to the crown makes them feels good and wanted by someone other than their parents (Kroger, 2004). The final topic which she brought up was her sexuality. She had only one boyfriend, the summer after her sophomore year up until the spring of junior year. She said that they were in love and both were happy with one another, but then school got in the way so they broke up. She went through depression and did end up hurting herself. She had her parents to help her through it. She told me that they will always have a special connection whenever their together because they â€Å"love†each other. She had a type of â€Å"bonding†on this boy. She also mentioned that she was also sexually active. She was part of the 80% of adolescence having sex before being 20 years old (Feldman, 2008). She made her way through Sternberg’s theory of love up to â€Å"passion†, but didn’t reach commitment due to the fact that they broke up. She hadn’t mentioned sexual orientation, but made a comment of experimenting at a party once. She also falls into the 10% of girls experimenting with the same sex (Feldman, 2008). From my interview, it showed that an average adolescent does interact with the problems learned in class. She had self-esteem issues, strict parents, being bullied and not fitting in with the popular crowd. From the outside, a stranger would think that there would have been nothing ever wrong with her, but talking about her made me think if I was the same way during high school. Makes me wonder did I go through the same problems. My interview helped me understand more about adolescence and how they go about their lives as adolescence.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Free College Essays - The Effects of Sin on Hester in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays
The Scarlet Letter        The Effects of Sin on Hester Prynne Nathaniel Hawthorne believed his task was to analyze the effects of sin, whether thought or committed, on the human heart and mind. Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, deals with many themes, the most powerful being sin. In this novel, Hester Prynne becomes a highly respected person in a Puritan society by overcoming a constant reminder of her sin, a Scarlet letter A which she wears on her chest at all times. This object on "her bosom"; however, does the exact opposite of the initial purpose. Eventually, Hester reverses all the odds that are against here due to her courage, pride and effort. Hester went beyond the letter of the law and did everything asked of her in order to prove that she is "able." She comes from an impoverished but genteel English family, having lived in a "decayed house of gray stone, with a poverty stricken aspect, but retaining a half-obliterated sheild of arms over the portal, in token of antique gentility." But even without that specific indication of her high birth, the reader would know that Hester is a lady, from her bearing and pride. Especially in Chapter two, when she bravely faces the humiliation of the scaffold: "And never had Hester Prynne appeared more lady-like, in the antique interpretation of the term, than as she issued from the prison,"  Hester's daughter, Pearl, is "a blessing and is a reminder of her sin." As if the scarlet A were not enough punishment there "was a brat of that hellish breed" which would remind Hester of what had happened in the past. The "brat" could have been given away to Governor Bellingham yet Hester proclaimed that Pearl "is my happiness!...Ye shall not take her! I will die first!" Not a person in Boston, nor Hester herself thought highly of the little child and yet Hester still refused to let Pearl go. Hester carried the child around only because it was a direct reflection of her sin and to cast away her sin as freely as that to give it away would be unjust and unfair to Hester and Pearl. From now on Hester would continually and proudly be near Pearl. Hester would go against the grain in everything she did. Very rarely did she ever give up hope; never did she complete a job poorly.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Oedipus Rex Character Analysis Essay
Oedipus, in Sophocles’ play Oedipus Rex, is by definition, a tragic hero. King Laios of Thebes was given a prophecy from the oracle that he would be murdered by his son’s hand, and that his son would marry his wife, Queen Iocaste. When Oedipus was born, King Laios had him taken to Mt. Cithaeron to die, however, the servant who was instructed to take him to the mountain felt pity for the baby and turned him over to a shepherd from Corinth. Once in Corinth, he was raised by King Polybus and Queen Merope, and the prophecy slowly became a reality. Oedipus grew up, believing that he was indeed the son of Polybus and Merope, when a drunken man informed him that he was not his father’s son. In search of the truth, he went to the shrine at Delphi, where he was told of the same prophecy his birth parents already knew, and fled to Thebes, believing the prophecy pertained to King Polybus and Queen Merope. In going to Thebes, he finds that King Laios was murdered in the same area that he had recently murdered a man in. He tells Iocasta of this event, exclaiming that he had â€Å"killed him. [He] killed them all.†(Scene II, ll. 288-289) His curiosity gets the best of him, and he orders – as the new king of Thebes – that the people find out who murdered Laios, and that they report it to him immediately. When a messenger brings the shepherd to the palace, he is told that he was Laios’ son. Oedipus realizes that he has killed his own father, saying, â€Å"Ah God! It was true! All the prophecies!†(Scene IV, ll. 68-70) Iocaste is horrified by this, and flees to her room, where she is later found â€Å"hanging, her body swaying from the cruel cord she had noosed about her neck.†(Exodus, II. 38-39) Oedipus finds her lifeless body, and breaks down, completely hysterical, â€Å"[striking] his eyes – not once, but many times.†(Exodus, l. 52) His entire lifespan is completely full of tragedy. His nobility, his curiosity, his bad choices, the realization of a foretold prophecy coming to life, the death of Iocaste, and the blinding by his own hand, all contribute to the theory of him being a tragic hero. He was born the son of a king, and lived his life king of both Corinth and Thebes – responsible for the people of his land. His curiosity is his biggest flaw, because he can’t leave well enough alone, and goes to great lengths to find out the truth. His choice to kill the man on the road instead of just letting the confrontation go decided his fate. Realizing that he’s murdered Laios even though he’d tried so hard to prevent the prophecy from becoming a reality was unbearable. Finding Iocasta dead in her room by her own hand was his suffering. Finally, gouging out his own eyes in a hysterical attempt to punish himself was a punishment far beyond the crimes he had committed. These factors alone do not define a tragic hero, but when brought together the way they do in Sophocles’ play, they make Oedipus a tragic hero.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marketing Strategies of Newspapers Essay
The newspaper market, like other markets have become competitive to the extent that survival requires a lot of creativity and innovation in the way the business is conducted. This is the situation in which the three major newspapers on the Zambian market, i.e the Post, the Times of Zambia, and the Zambia Daily Mail newspapers find themselves. Currently, the Post newspaper is the market leader with a market share of eighty percent (80%), the Times of Zambia newspaper and the Zambia Daily Mail, together with the rest of the other newspapers share the remaining twenty percent (20%). For this study, the focus is on three newspapers, The Post which is a privately owned newspaper and the Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail which are stated owned newspapers. The difference in performance amongst these three newspapers has also been reflected in the differences in the readership of the three (3) newspapers which is indicated below. Source: Synovate Research Center 2005 For any of these papers to gain competitive advantage and long term profitability, there is need to come up with a proper business approach. One such approach is a proper understanding and management of the common business parameters like the quality of the product, the pricing of the product, the distribution of the product, and the promotion of the product. A newspaper firm can then formulate appropriate differentiation strategies based on the above parameters which are commonly known as the four ‘Ps’ of the marketing mix (Kotler, 2003:15). The discrepancies in the market share prompted the researcher to look at the business management aspect of the three newspapers, they were applying and using the four ‘Ps’ of the marketing mix. The aim was to determine how the three newspapers were utilizing the elements of the marketing mix in order to gain competitive advantage on the Zambian market. Essentially, this is a comparative study which looks into how the three newspapers were utilizing the marketing mix to increase their market shares. The study was expected to reveal the differences in the usage of the marketing mix and show whether this had a significant impact on the market shares of the three papers. This is not withstanding the fact that the performance of an entity is dependent on the various functional areas of business management. However, in this particular case, what was being put to test was the functional area of marketing, and in this case the application of the elements of the marketing mix. The liberalization of the Zambian economy in 1991 saw the emergence of various entities on the Zambian market. This included the print media. The Post newspaper is one such paper that emerged as a private owned newspaper. Prior to 1991, there were mainly two dominant papers, i.e. the Times of Zambia, and the Zambia Daily Mail newspapers. For this study, the focus was on one private newspaper, i.e the Post newspaper, and the state owned newspapers, i.e. The Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail newspapers. Currently, on the Zambian market, the Post newspaper is the market leader with a market share of eighty (80%) percent by far surpassing the Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail which fall into the remaining twenty (20%) percent. This poses the question of why should a newly born newspaper, i.e the Post Newspaper, out match the old newspapers like the Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail newspapers. Obviously, the market share has to do with the acceptability of the paper. And from a business management point of view, this acceptability is dependent on the paper’s marketing strategies which are based on the marketing mix. Hence the reason for the research in this area. The history of each of the above stated newspapers is as follows: †¢The Times of Zambia newspaper The Times of Zambia is a national daily newspaper published in Zambia. During the colonial period this newspaper was known as The Northern News. It was founded in 1944 as a twice-weekly newspaper aimed at a European readership, owned first by Roy Welensky and then by the South African newspaper chain Argus. Argus then sold the paper to Lonhro, under which it was renamed the Times of Zambia on 1 July 1965. Lonhro had just bought out Heinrich Brewery which had briefly operated a daily, The Zambia Times and weekly Zambia News. Criticism of the government under the editorship of Dunston Kamana in the early 1970s and the change of the government to a one party state led to the purchase of Times of Zambia by the United National Independence Party (UNIP) government who then appointed its own editor, Vernon Mwaanga, in 1972. When the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) came to power in November 1991, it went to court claiming UNIP had illegally taken over the newspapers. The courts found in favour of the MMD, and ruled that the papers’ ownership be transferred to the Zambian Government. The Times of Zambia is now owned by the Zambian Government. After the independence of Zambia in 1964, the print media was run by the private sector with Times of Zambia then been published by Lonrho and the name Daily then Central African Mail was run by Scott and Astor. In 1969 it was purchased by the ruling United National Party (UNIP) (Banda, 2004). In 1983, the newspaper industries along with most other industries were nationalized as part of government’s humanism. The two newspapers were then turned into government companies and heavily subsidized by the government. In 1990, there was the introduction of multiparty government and an open, market –driven economy. Privately owned newspapers were reintroduced and according to the National Archives (2003) 137 publications, both newspapers and magazines, were registered between 1991 and 2002. Most of the registered newspapers were either aborted or died soon after the first few issues. The cover price of the newspapers has remained the same in Zambia at K3000.00 with new newspapers coming in and offering a lower price and then failing to survive all together. The other sources of income for newspapers are through the advertising which has grown with newspapers getting more and more expensive. This case research is intended at studying the various marketing strategies used by newspaper companies in Zambia and how they can increase competiveness. My aim is to find out the current marketing strategies of the major newspapers in Zambia, namely The Post, Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, The Guardian and The Mirror. The purpose of the study is to understand the current marketing strategies and come up with recommendations to increase competitiveness in this sector. 1.2 Background to the study After the introduction of the multi-party system and the subsequent liberalization of the economy, in Zambia, in 1991, the country saw the emergence of various types of privately owned newspapers in addition to the two regular newspapers, i.e The Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail. In all, the mid 1990s, there were several privately owned newspapers in addition to the two regular state owned newspapers stated above. What transpired is that some private newspapers came and went, whilst the two state owned newspapers have failed to be competitive and increase their market shares, but they have survived through Government subsidies. However, one privately owned newspaper, the Post Newspaper, has continued to grow its market share and today it is the market leader in its relevant market. The question of interest to the researcher is to determine the type and effectiveness of the marketing strategies that the Newspapers are using to increase their market share in the relevant markets. 1.3 Research Problem Since the Liberalization of Zambia’s economy in 1991, several private newspapers have emerged to join the already existing state owned ones. However, most of the privately owned newspapers have collapsed, and the two state owned ones are failing to increase their market, but are surviving on Government subsidies. But one private newspaper, the Post, has continued to thrive to become the market leader. There is still very little competition in this industry with only a few as newspapers surviving and one major newspaper The Post is getting 80% of the market share (Banda 2004). Given this background, the researcher wants to determine the type of marketing strategies newspapers use, and the extent to which these marketing strategies are effective. Consequently, this will help the managements of the newspapers to improve their marketing strategies so as to provide quality services to their customers, and thereby increase their market share and competitivene ss.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Loyalty in Classic Literature Essays
Loyalty in Classic Literature Essays Loyalty in Classic Literature Essay Loyalty in Classic Literature Essay â€Å"Hero, a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.†(Unknown) Many aren’t known as heroes, but when you dig down deep in their life, and realize how they treat others, their strengths, their braveness, quickly you realize a hero. Beowulf, Hector, and Hercules all have many characteristics as to how they are a hero, but with loyalty, braveness, and their unnatural strengths, they are automatically all considered a hero. Beowulf, the Iliad, and Hercules all show characteristics of loyalty, especially when it comes to their community. Beowulf is very loyal to his men, by telling them to back off, he will fight the monster alone. Loyalty comes in with him doing this for Hrothgar and the protection of his men, â€Å"so Hrothgar’s men lived happy in his hall†(Raffel 15). In the Iliad, Hector is very loyal to his city, Troy, as he even goes up to fight for the city and ends up getting killed while in the battle against Achilles. â€Å"After an inner struggle in which he considers simply bargaining with Achilles peacefully, Hector decides to fight to the death.†(Fagles, intro). Hercules also shows loyalty by staying faithful to Gwen, his lady friend. Even when she passes away, he travels all the way to Haities to save her. Also in his city, Hercules was also very dedicated to his people. In a city, being a hero means being very brave and taking risks for everyone. After defeating Grendel, Beowulf came back twice in order to kill Grendel’s mother and a fire-breathing dragon. Although during his battle with the dragon, Beowulf was fatally injured. â€Å"Beowulf arose, with his men around him, ordering a few to remain without their weapons†(Raffel 134-136). In the Iliad, Hector is brave for going up to fight against Achilles, the mightiest of warriors. Hector screaming and panting states, â€Å"No more running from you in fear, Achilles!†With no fear, Hercules stays
Monday, October 21, 2019
Selected Quotes From Entertainer Madonna
Selected Quotes From Entertainer Madonna Much-acclaimed and controversial Madonna has lived a public life deliberately outrageous, and her words reinforce and further define her public image. Madonna has also spoken out on how she relates family and a private life to her carefully-crafted public image. Selected Madonna Quotations I am rich and famous. I have a talented and gorgeous husband and two beautiful children. I could go on. To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give. That takes courage; because we dont want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt Never forget to dream. A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. Thats why they dont get what they want. Im tough, Im ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay. Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done. I became an overachiever to get approval from the world. I wont be happy till Im as famous as God. I always thought I should be treated like a star. The fact of the matter is that you can use your beauty and use your charm and be flirtatious, and you can get people interested in your beauty. But you cannot maintain that. In the end, talent is the only thing. My work is the only thing thats going to change any minds. I love horses. I think I may have been one of Henry VIII’s knights in another life, riding through a great forest. Listen, everyone is entitled to my opinion. I dont care anymore if people dress like me, now I want them to think like me. If I was a girl again, I would like to be like my fans, I would like to be like Madonna. Better to live one year as a tiger, then a hundred as sheep. I never wish I had a different life. I am lucky to be in the position of power that I am in and to be intelligent. Being blonde is definitely a different state of mind. I cant really put my finger on it, but the artifice of being blonde has some incredible sort of sexual connotation. Men really respond to it. I love blonde hair but it really does something different to you. I feel more grounded when I have dark hair, and I feel more ethereal when I have light hair. Its unexplainable. I also feel more Italian when my hair is dark. There are moments when I cant believe Im as old as I am. But I feel better physically than I did 10 years ago. I dont think, Oh God, Im missing something. I have the most perfect belly button. When I stick my fingers in it, I feel a nerve in the center of my body shoot up my spine. Ive always wanted to be taller. I feel like a shrimp, but thats the way it goes. Im five-foot four-and-a-half-inches. Thats actually average. Everything about me is average. Everythings normal, in the books. Its the things inside me that make me not average. Its not my nature to just kick back. I think passive beauties have their place in the world. Its hard for me to relate to that. People think they will wake up one day and Ill be gone. But Im never going away. I have the same goal Ive had ever since I was a girl. I want to rule the world. I sometimes think I was born to live up to my name. How could I be anything else but what I am having been named Madonna? I would either have ended up a nun or this. To me, the whole process of being a brush stroke in someone elses painting is a little difficult. Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another. I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams. When Im hungry, I eat. When Im thirsty, I drink. When I feel like saying something, I say it. That we are responsible for our own fate, we reap what we sow, we get what we give, we pull in what we put out. I know these things for sure. Id like to think I am taking people on a journey; I am not just entertaining people, but giving them something to think about when they leave. I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art. I try to have thick skin, but every once in a while I read something that someone says about me, and its so slanderous and moralistic and it has nothing to do with my music. I want to be like Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, and John Lennon... but I want to stay alive. Id love to be a memorable figure in the history of entertainment in some sexual, comic, tragic way. Id like to leave the impression that Marilyn Monroe did, to be able to arouse so many different feelings in people. I think the ultimate challenge is to have some kind of style and grace, even though you havent got money, or standing in society, or formal education. I had a very middle, lower-middle class sort of upbringing, but I identify with people whove had, at some point in their lives to struggle to survive. It adds another color to your character. I think you can be defiant and rebellious and still be strong and positive. Be strong, believe in freedom and in God, love yourself, understand your sexuality, have a sense of humor, masturbate, dont judge people by their religion, color or sexual habits, love life, and your family. I laugh at myself. I dont take myself completely seriously. I think thats another quality that people have to hold on to... you have to laugh, especially at yourself. I do it in most of the things I do, and most of the videos that I make and most of my performances. Even in my concerts there are so many moments when I just stood still and laughed at myself. In everyday life I am quiet and reserved, not the housekeeper type but cool and relaxed. I dont get up in the morning wearing false eyelashes and I dont wear fancy underwear when Im cooking popcorn. Im a nice little ducky. Quotes About Lifestyle Everyone probably thinks that Im a raving nymphomaniac, that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, when the truth is Id rather read a book. I dont trust any man who hasnt kissed another man. I liked my body growing up and I wasnt ashamed of it. I liked boys and didnt feel inhibited by them. Maybe it comes from having brothers and sharing a bathroom. The boys got the wrong impression of me at high school. They mistook forwardness for promiscuity. When they dont get what they want, they turn on you. I went through this period when all the girls thought I was loose and the boys said I was a nymphomaniac. The first boy I ever slept with was my boyfriend and wed been going out a long time. About singer Prince: He reeks of lavender. It turned me on, actually. Because Ive taken my clothes off in public doesnt mean that Ive revealed every inch of my soul. Sometimes I look back at myself and remember things I used to say, or my hairstyle, and I cringe I hate polite conversation. I hate it when people stand around and go, Hi, how are you? I hate words that dont have any reason or meaning. Also I hate it when people smoke in elevators and closed in places. Its just so rude. You have to be patient. Im not. I miss New York. I still love how people talk to you on the street - just assault you and tell you what they think of your jacket. I know the aspect of my personality, being the vixen, the heartbreaker and the incredibly provocative girl is a very marketable image - but its not insincere. You just cant take it seriously. The worst thing about being famous? I think its what everybody says... the lack of privacy and the idea that youre not really allowed to make mistakes and everything that you do is viewed under a microscope. I think my biggest flaw is my insecurity. Im terribly insecure. Im plagued with insecurities 24/7. I have had many challenges in my life, including some very big ones when I was young and Ive learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way. I have seen life from just about every angle you can see it from. I was sacked from Dunkin Donuts for squirting the donuts jelly all over the customers. I wouldnt have turned out the way I was if I didnt have all those old-fashioned values to rebel against. Quotes About Gender and Race Not only does society suffer from racism and sexism but it also suffers from ageism. Once you reach a certain age youre not allowed to be adventurous, youre not allowed to be sexual. I mean, is there a rule? Are you supposed to just die? Im not a feminist, Im a humanist. Straight men need to be emasculated. Im sorry. They all need to be slapped around. Women have been kept down for too long. Every straight guy should have a mans tongue in his mouth at least once. Quotes About Family My father was very strong. I dont agree with a lot of the ways he brought me up. I dont agree with a lot of his values, but he did have a lot of integrity, and if he told us not to do something, he didnt do it either. Im anal retentive. Im a workaholic. I have insomnia. And Im a control freak. Thats why Im not married. Who could stand me? Im a very old-fashioned girl. Marriage is a great thing when its right. And I did celebrate it and embrace it, and I wanted the whole world to know that this was the man I loved more than anything. But theres a price to pay for that, which is something I realize now. Ever since I was in high school, when I was madly in love with someone, I was so proud of that person. I wanted the world to know that I loved him. But once you reveal it to the world, and youre in the public eye, you give it up, and its not your own anymore. I began to realize how important it is to hold on to privacy and keeping things to yourself as much as possible. Its like a runaway train afterwards. I could probably bring up a child as normal as I can live my life. I surround myself with people who dont treat me like a celebrity or a freak or whatever, and I would do the same with my child. Im not interested in being Wonder Woman in the delivery room. Give me drugs. My having a child is not for public consumption. Its not a career move. Its not a performance to be judged or rated. Nor is my role as a mother. Family is everything. Family comes first. Its not what I expected it to be, but nothing ever is. The last thing I want is to raise a brat. We could definitely go down the wrong road. I dont want Lola to have everything she wants. I want her to appreciate things, and not to be presumptuous. I want her to have manners and social graces. Ever since my daughter was born I feel the fleetingness of time. And I dont want to waste it on getting the perfect lip color. Lourdes really is the love of my life. I dont want to traipse around with nannies and tutors. I think its important for children to stay in one place, to socialize with other children. Obviously, my tastes and my priorities have changed, Just because Im a mother doesnt mean Im not still a rebel and that I dont want to go in the face of convention and challenge the system. I never wanted to think in a robotic way, and I dont want my children to think that way, either. I think parents should be constantly questioning society. Quotes About Faith With the crucifixes I was exorcising the extremes that my upbringing dwelt on. Putting them up on the wall and throwing darts at them. And the Boy Toy thing was a joke, a tag name given to me when I first arrived in New York because I flirted with the boys. All the graffiti artists wore their nicknames on their belt buckles. Catholicism is not a soothing religion. Its a painful religion. Were all gluttons for punishment. It is difficult to believe in a religion that places such a high premium on chastity and virginity. When I get down on my knees, it is not to pray. I would like to see the Pope wearing my T-shirt. I loved nuns when I was growing up. I thought they were beautiful. For several years I wanted to be a nun. I saw them as really pure, disciplined, above average people. They had these serene faces. Nuns are sexy. I think that life is a paradox and you have to embrace that in your work and your belief systems ... you cant be a literalist, and thats the trouble that people always find themselves in. Thats why people always hit a wall with any of my stuff, because you cant take it literally. Quotes About Madonna Britney Spears I would really, really, really like to be a legend like Madonna. Madonna knows what to do next, and when shes performing, the audience is just in awe of her. I performed at Mom and Dads party when I was four. Oh my gosh, I was singing a Madonna song and I peed myself. Cher No one knows how to work this business like she does. Susan Sarandon The history of women in popular music can, pretty much, be divided into before and after Madonna. Rosie ODonnell She is no symbol. She is human. More brilliant than most. The real deal. Miley Cyrus Madonna always reinvents herself, and thats what I want to do. Whatever comes my way that sounds good, thats what I want to do. Whether its designing clothes or photography or whatever. Gwyneth Paltrow Shes like an older sister. Everything I have gone through, she went through ten times worse and ten times longer. She gives me good advice about how to say no and take care of myself. Tori Amos Madonna’s sound was made for the dance floor when she epitomized the New York club kid; it got a bit closer to rock when she started presenting herself that way, connected with RB when her image became softer again, went New Age techno when she got into spirituality, and so on. Fashion has become a part of the musical exploration and experience. Sean Penn She was in the process of becoming the biggest star in the world. I just wanted to make my films and hide. I was an angry young man. I had a lot of demons and dont really know who couldve lived with me at the time. I was just as badly behaved as her, so I cant point the finger of blame. Sarah Jessica Parker Madonnas probably the most disciplined person around and so I can only pale in comparison. Its just too impressive. Michael Moore If we had a royal system shed be the queen of Michigan and all the Michiganders would bow down to her, and Im not kidding. Shes a person with a good heart; she does a lot of good for other people. I really admire her. Beyonce It all works for Madonna. I mean, I couldn’t do a lot of the things she does, but it works for her.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Korean War MiG-15 Communist Jet Fighter
Korean War MiG-15 Communist Jet Fighter In the immediate wake of World War II, the Soviet Union captured a wealth of German jet engine and aeronautical research. Utilizing this, they produced their first practical jet fighter, the MiG-9, in early 1946. While capable, this aircraft lacked the top speed of the standard American jets of the day, such as the P-80 Shooting Star. Though MiG-9 was operational, Russian designers continued to have issues perfecting the German HeS-011 axial-flow jet engine. As a result, airframe designs produced by Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevichs design bureau began to outpace the ability to produce engines to power them. While the Soviets struggled with developing jet engines, the British had created advanced centrifugal flow engines. In 1946, Soviet aviation minister Mikhail Khrunichev and aircraft designer Alexander Yakovlev approached Premier Joseph Stalin with the suggestion of buying several British jet engines. Though not believing that the British would part with such advanced technology, Stalin gave them permission to contact London. Much to their surprise, the new Labour government of Clement Atlee, which was friendlier towards the Soviets, agreed to the sale of several Rolls-Royce Nene engines along with a licensing agreement for overseas production. Bringing the engines to the Soviet Union, engine designer Vladimir Klimov immediately began reverse-engineering the design. The result was the Klimov RD-45. With the engine issue effectively resolved, the Council of Ministers issued decree #493-192 on April 15, 1947, calling for two prototypes for a new jet fighter. Design time was limited as the decree called for test flights in December. Due to the limited time allowed, designers at MiG elected to use the MiG-9 as a starting point. Modifying the aircraft to include swept wings and a redesigned tail, they soon produced the I-310. Possessing a clean appearance, the I-310 was capable of 650 mph and defeated the Lavochkin La-168 in trials. Re-designated the MiG-15, the first production aircraft flew December 31, 1948. Entering service in 1949, it was given the NATO reporting name Fagot. Principally intended for intercepting American bombers, such as the B-29 Superfortress, the MiG-15 was equipped with two 23 mm cannon and one 37 mm cannon. MiG-15 Operational History The first upgrade to the aircraft came in 1950, with the arrival of the MiG-15bis. While the aircraft contained numerous minor improvements, it also possessed the new Klimov VK-1 engine and external hardpoints for rockets and bombs. Widely exported, the Soviet Union provided the new aircraft to the Peoples Republic of China. First seeing combat at the end of the Chinese Civil War, the MiG-15 was flown by Soviet pilots from the 50th IAD. The aircraft scored its first kill on April 28, 1950, when one downed a Nationalist Chinese P-38 Lightning. With the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, the North Koreans began operations flying a variety of piston-engine fighters. These were soon swept from the sky by American jets and B-29 formations began a systematic aerial campaign against the North Koreans. With the Chinese entry into the conflict, the MiG-15 began to appear in the skies over Korea. Quickly proving superior to straight-wing American jets such as the F-80 and F-84 Thunderjet, the MiG-15 temporarily gave the Chinese the advantage in the air and ultimately forced United Nations forces to halt daylight bombing. MiG Alley The MiG-15s arrival compelled the US Air Force to begin deploying the new F-86 Sabre to Korea. Arriving on the scene, the Sabre restored balance to the air war. In comparison, the F-86 could out dive and out turn the MiG-15, but was inferior in rate of climb, ceiling, and acceleration. Though the Sabre was a more stable gun platform, the MiG-15s all-cannon armament was more effective than the American aircrafts six .50 cal. machine guns. In addition, the MiG benefited from the rugged construction typical of Russian aircraft which made it difficult to bring down. The most famous engagements involving the MiG-15 and F-86 occurred over northwestern North Korea in an area known a MiG Alley. In this area, Sabres and MiGs frequently dueled, making it the birthplace of jet vs. jet aerial combat. Throughout the conflict, many MiG-15s were covertly flown by experienced Soviet pilots. When encountering American opposition, these pilots often were evenly matched. As many of the American pilots were veterans of World War II, they tended to have the upper hand when facing MiGs flown by North Korean or Chinese pilots. Later Years Eager to inspect the MiG-15, the United States offered a bounty of $100,000 to any enemy pilot who defected with an aircraft. This offer was taken up by Lieutenant No Kum-Sok who defected on November 21, 1953. At the end of the war, the US Air Force claimed a kill ratio of around 10 to 1 for MiG-Sabre battles. Recent research has challenged this and suggested that the ratio was much lower. In the years after Korea, the MiG-15 equipped many of the Soviet Unions Warsaw Pact allies as well as numerous other countries around the world. Several MiG-15s flew with the Egyptian Air Force during the 1956 Suez Crisis, though their pilots were routinely beaten by the Israelis. The MiG-15 also saw extended service with the Peoples Republic of China under the designation J-2. These Chinese MiGs frequently skirmished with Republic of China aircraft around the Straits of Taiwan during the 1950s. Largely replaced in Soviet service by the MiG-17, the MiG-15 remained in many countries arsenals into the 1970s. Trainer versions of the aircraft continued to fly for another twenty to thirty years with some nations. MiG-15bis Specifications General Length: 33 ft. 2 in.Wingspan: 33 ft. 1 in.Height: 12 ft. 2 in.Wing Area: 221.74 sq. ft.Empty Weight: 7,900 lbs.Crew: 1 Performance Power Plant: 1 Ãâ€" Klimov VK-1 turbojetRange: 745 milesMax Speed: 668 mphCeiling: 50,850 ft. Armament 2 x NR-23 23mm cannons in lower left fuselage1 x Nudelman N-37 37 mm cannon in lower right fuselage2 x 220 lb. bombs, drop tanks, or unguided rockets on underwing hardpoints Selected Sources Warbird Alley: MiG-15Aviation History: MiG-15Military Factory: MiG-15 (Fagot)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
US politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
US politics - Essay Example The United States still pollutes more than any other nation, and still represents the epitome of a consumerist society: producing little more than nothing, and consuming a large quantity of the world’s goods. The Environmentalist movement, even though it has achieved mainstream status, remains unable to show progress in curbing these trends. In fact, the mainstream status of the movement puts the movement itself in some jeopardy. That is, the Environmentalist movement in the United States has been quite â€Å"successful†, but not successful in the way many of the original environmentalists and conservationists had hoped: commercially successful, which many believe has corrupted the movement beyond repair. American Environmentalism took root in the open frontiers of the untamed West in the 19th century when principles of conservation ran contrary to abusive practices in mining and railroad construction. The role of the environment in American politics changed in 1901 when President Roosevelt instituted practices, like the Reclamation Act, to conserve land and resources across the country (Silveira, 2003). The split between conservation (using resources efficiently) and preservation (not using resources at all) fragmented the environmentalist movement in the 20th century, which provided a source of diversity among these groups. Early environmentalism was an upper-class movement to preserve resources for recreation (Silveira, 2003). Modern Environmentalism primarily began in 1962 with the publication of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, which detailed the devastation of industry on nature. Taken with other social movements in the 1960s, the Environmentalist movement became one more means to infuse particular values into society as a whole. However, rather than attempting social change during this time, Environmentalists sought government intervention to protect the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Success - Essay Example The definition of success comprises of elements including happiness, health and conquering hardships. One way of identifying how successful an individual is by identifying the level of happiness experienced by that individual. Happiness can be attained through various means, while some people may find happiness in helping others and on the other hand some may experience happiness due to attaining huge amount of wealth and a flashy lifestyle. Individuals who tend to attain happiness through materialistic gains tend to experience happiness for a shorter period of time. While individuals who gain happiness by helping others may experience happiness for a longer period of time. This means that success is short lived if human beings are happy due to their materialistic gains and success is prolonged if that attain happiness through helping others. Another factor that should be taken into account while defining success is the health of a particular individual. Health is very important for an individual to benefit from all of his achievements. An individual may not feel successful if he/she or his/her family members are not healthy. An individual works hard with the aim of gaining wealth in order to provide joy and a comfortable life to themselves and their family members. If an individual or their family members can not enjoy that wealth, an individual may feel unsuccessful. Success can even be defined in terms of an individual’s ability to conquer the obstacles that they face in their lives. An individual who does not work hard in order to earn money and uses shortcuts to attain wealth may be less satisfied with the wealth as compared to an individual who has worked hard and dedicated his/her life for the achievement of aims and objectives. The success that individual gains by facing difficulties are in life provides him with something to be proud of and to cherish. Such success provides an individual with peace of
How Coca-Cola Motivate Its Employees Research Paper
How Coca-Cola Motivate Its Employees - Research Paper Example The researcher states that since its inception in 1886, Coca-Cola had been patronized by millions of consumers globally. Now in its 129 years of business existence, Coca-Cola has announced organizational changes to enable sustaining market leadership in a mature market. The ability of the organization to institute strategies that adapt and adjust to changing needs of the times affirm their competencies of its leaders to manage change in an ever-transforming global environment. Previous news items announced Coca-Cola’s strategic changes in terms of reorganization of operating structure, as well as changes in leadership compositions. Other ventures in acquiring beverage companies were also noted; in conjunction with venturing â€Å"into unfamiliar territories, hoping for potential future growth†. The Coca-Cola Company has reported providing its employees with a comprehensive benefits package which includes the following: health and welfare, protection for the unexpected, workplace incentives, adoption assistance and quality-of-life benefits, and finally, financial rewards. Under the health and welfare benefits, the official website of the organization stipulated that the following incentives are provided to the employees: â€Å"Medical, Dental, Accidental Death & Dismemberment, Group Life Insurance, Dependent Life Insurance, Flexible Spending Accounts, Business Travel Accident Insurance, Short-Term Disability, Long-Term Disability, Survivors Benefits Program and an Employee Assistance Program with confidential counseling services†. Moreover, the financial rewards include educational benefits, retirement plans, discounts and conveniences, rewards and recognition, as well as Matching Gifts Program. The current workforce was reported to include as much as 130,600 associates and more than 700,000 system employees worldwide. With diverse plans to expand into other unfamiliar territories, it could be deduced that the workforce would continue to gro w and would adapt to the changing needs of the times. From among the announced changes, the composition of leaders was noteworthy. The North America market was divided into two (2) operating units: Coca-Cola North America and Coca-Cola Refreshments, which were led by newly appointed leaders. Likewise, another operating structure, the Coca-Cola Americas, was reported to cease in existence; where the affected structure, the Latin America group was allegedly transferred under the jurisdiction of Coca-Cola International.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Paper and Coin currency Vs Electronic Money Transfer Systems Essay
Paper and Coin currency Vs Electronic Money Transfer Systems - Essay Example Bill Gates, while delivering his lecture at International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas (Nevada) in January this year, said "Software is providing power, but software has got to provide simplicity. And that's why our investment levels are going up in the toughest problems: Security, privacy, speech recognition, video recognition - and all of those things we will fold into this platform."1 1. Today we are in an IT era and wish to live in a Digital life-style. Being digital has become sort of a fashion statement. The older generation expresses its reservation regarding security issues etc. but the Gen-X is fully geared up to exploit the full potential of Digital age. Well, having said about the 'attitude', it certainly needs to be pointed out that the youth of the day is not as carefree as is being branded, at times, by the elders. The fact is, the technologies like Electronic Money Transfer or Electronic Funds Transfer have proved their utility beyond doubt and we believe in this capability because we understand the intricacies of this technology. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) provides for electronic payments and collections. It is a system of transferring money from one bank account directly to another without any paper money changing hands e.g. There's will be more transpa... Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) provides for electronic payments and collections. It is a system of transferring money from one bank account directly to another without any paper money changing hands e.g. Using Internet or bank transfers. Using ATM/Debit/Credit Cards etc Payments thorough telephone (using voice synthesizers) In fact the Radio Frequency IDs (RFID) technique is also used in Electronic Transfer. RFID tags are used in a wide range of contexts like; Electronic payment cards used in many countries to pay road tolls, bus and metro fares, Electronic security tags used by retailers, 'Intelligent' luggage labels used in some airports etc Monitoring the workers within the factory/ company builiding. Advantages of Using Electronic Money Transfer Salary of an employee can be directly deposited in his/ her bank account. There's will be more transparency in money transfers. For example transfer of huge sums of money to illegal operations like financing the terrorist organizations can now be easily traced, as there will be less number of manual transactions. Money can be transferred in lesser time, usually the same day. It increases the efficiency, safety/ security standards of the bank. Such transfers are less expansive for the bank. Customer is free from the stress of carrying bundles of notes in a bag/ packets etc. hence reducing the threat of robbery. The threat of a 'Returned Check' is gone as well. It results in less paper work meaning less cutting of trees i.e. an environment friendly technique. The day is not far when we do not need to carry any wallet, Credit cards etc. in our pocket, Soon enough we may see the times when we'll have all our banking records, personal details, identification tags etc in a smart chip embedded in the ring of our middle
Case Study Stage 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Stage 2 - Case Study Example At first, e-commerce can simply minimise the cost of gym activities that are conducted in traditional manner such as automation of business transactions. Online transactions and registration processes can basically minimise human efforts for performing such business activities effectively and also minimising the time required for completing the activities by the organisational members and the employees. E-commerce in UMUC Healthy Fitness Centre can also minimise the transaction expenses by making the marketplace more effective. On the other hand, UMUC Healthy Fitness Centre can also reach more potential customers at low expenses through the use of internet. The medium of internet would assist the members in terms of providing them with valuable information regarding the product or service characteristics such as fee and accessibility of facilities (Kaplan & Garicano, n.d.). Clearly, use of e-commerce in business process can result in accessing valuable information regarding the futur e demand of products or services of UMUC Healthy Fitness Centre more effectively. Furthermore, it will help UMUC Healthy Fitness Centre to better balance the demand of products and services with the requirements of the customers. The following figure will show the AS IS process of e-commerce for UMUC Healthy Fitness Centre. Part 2 Technology Solution Proposal The idea of e-commerce fundamentally comprise three key aspects namely hardware, software and communication network. These aspects would certainly reflect the ability of e-commerce for enhancing the business process of UR UMUC Healthy Fitness Centre by a certain degree. The aforesaid aspects have been described hereunder. Hardware: The key hardware aspects associated with e-commerce are server, input as well as output tools and database management system. In the e-commerce business process, UMUC Healthy Fitness Centre should follow the client server model, wherein a central computer system will act as server. This server will c ontain certain important information and will act as backup for information preservation system. Concerning input systems, keyboard and mouse are regarded as effective tools in e-commerce system. The output systems within e-commerce business process can appear in the form of billing information, member usage statistics and images among others (Carter, 2008). Software: Software is the other vital aspect of e-commerce business process. The key software for e-commerce is database management system. Database is able to store vital information in the form of text and images. The modern database management system can save billions of data items and is also able to manage huge figure of transactions. The database for UMUC Healthy Fitness Centre can be located in central server or in multiple workstations (Carter, 2008). Apart from the aforementioned aspect, maintaining security is also important for an e-commerce system to operate successfully. The key software applications that are useful for an e-commerce business process relating to UMUC Healthy Fitness Centre include user authentication, firewall and antivirus (Carter, 2008). Communication: There are several networking tools that possess the capability of ensuring the deliverance of proper communication in the entire business process through e-commerce. These tools comprise Local Area Network, Wireless network and internet. Utilisation
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Paper and Coin currency Vs Electronic Money Transfer Systems Essay
Paper and Coin currency Vs Electronic Money Transfer Systems - Essay Example Bill Gates, while delivering his lecture at International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas (Nevada) in January this year, said "Software is providing power, but software has got to provide simplicity. And that's why our investment levels are going up in the toughest problems: Security, privacy, speech recognition, video recognition - and all of those things we will fold into this platform."1 1. Today we are in an IT era and wish to live in a Digital life-style. Being digital has become sort of a fashion statement. The older generation expresses its reservation regarding security issues etc. but the Gen-X is fully geared up to exploit the full potential of Digital age. Well, having said about the 'attitude', it certainly needs to be pointed out that the youth of the day is not as carefree as is being branded, at times, by the elders. The fact is, the technologies like Electronic Money Transfer or Electronic Funds Transfer have proved their utility beyond doubt and we believe in this capability because we understand the intricacies of this technology. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) provides for electronic payments and collections. It is a system of transferring money from one bank account directly to another without any paper money changing hands e.g. There's will be more transpa... Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) provides for electronic payments and collections. It is a system of transferring money from one bank account directly to another without any paper money changing hands e.g. Using Internet or bank transfers. Using ATM/Debit/Credit Cards etc Payments thorough telephone (using voice synthesizers) In fact the Radio Frequency IDs (RFID) technique is also used in Electronic Transfer. RFID tags are used in a wide range of contexts like; Electronic payment cards used in many countries to pay road tolls, bus and metro fares, Electronic security tags used by retailers, 'Intelligent' luggage labels used in some airports etc Monitoring the workers within the factory/ company builiding. Advantages of Using Electronic Money Transfer Salary of an employee can be directly deposited in his/ her bank account. There's will be more transparency in money transfers. For example transfer of huge sums of money to illegal operations like financing the terrorist organizations can now be easily traced, as there will be less number of manual transactions. Money can be transferred in lesser time, usually the same day. It increases the efficiency, safety/ security standards of the bank. Such transfers are less expansive for the bank. Customer is free from the stress of carrying bundles of notes in a bag/ packets etc. hence reducing the threat of robbery. The threat of a 'Returned Check' is gone as well. It results in less paper work meaning less cutting of trees i.e. an environment friendly technique. The day is not far when we do not need to carry any wallet, Credit cards etc. in our pocket, Soon enough we may see the times when we'll have all our banking records, personal details, identification tags etc in a smart chip embedded in the ring of our middle
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Assignment 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8
Assignment 3 - Essay Example Additionally, the company represents black at many functions and events, for example, BET Awards, Essence Music Festival, and Hoodie Awards. During the beginning of 2011, the company launched advertisements campaigns such as Inspired by color and urban market initiative. These campaigns were calling the people to express their taste and personal styles as exemplified by the features and colors of the new Fiesta launched in 2011. In the campaign, the company selected five black people who appear in the advertisement for the car. The other initiative known as ALL IN, which features videos having Black executives that had played key roles in the revival of the company. The other company is the America Airlines that is associated with the Africa American market. Besides Southwest Airlines, America Airlines has consistently supported Black people in the United States. American Airlines made an agreement with Steve Harvey Show to make advertisements on the radio and the Show official website. In addition, the airline through the social media launched a site known as dedicated to promoting Black Traveler. The airline company launched a virtual museum. The museum explores all the African-Americans who have worked in the aviation industry from the historical past or the pre-civil rights to the current (Smith, 2006). Ford Motor Company by initiating and supporting the various events such as BET Awards, Essence Music Awards and Hoodie Awards the company succeeded in creating a consumer engagement model that enable them meet their target customers. It also creates awareness of the various products that the business manufactures. Moreover, users can make a clear differentiation of the different motors that Ford Company produced during that period. Additionally, ALL IN an ad successfully engaged their target customers by featuring some of their target clients in their promotions. All these structures have created an efficient
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